Charitable Causes

The wider community is very important to us all at Double and we like to try and offer our support to charities that need it, whether it's in terms of time or money.


We encourage all staff to take up to 2 paid working days to volunteer for a charitable cause over the course of each year. This could be to plant trees, take part in a beach clean, practical help for a local charity, work in a soup kitchen; whatever you feel passionate about and that will help make a difference to others. Ideas can be discussed with the team and days should be organized to fit in with work and team schedules.

We also provide opportunities to take part in Company-wide volunteering days as part of this.

Charitable Donations

In order to support the causes that mean a lot to us and enable them to use the financial resources in the ways that they feel best, we aim to donate 0.25% of our turnover to our chosen charity each year. These donations are based on the previous years' financial results and are paid over a period of months to the charity (or charities) of choice.

Physical Donations

Whenever we need to dispose of equipment, whether that is furniture from the office, computers or mobile phones, we will always try to find a good home for it with people that can make good use of them.

In the past we have had desks going to schools and pre-schools, computers and mobile phones sent to Africa, and old furniture donated to raise funds for a homeless charity, and for use in not for profit establishments such as voluntary groups and hospitals.

We encourage all staff to suggest and seek out charities that Double can offer support to. Suggestions are very welcome at one of our team meetings.

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