Holidays and Holiday Pay

To ensure the continuous well-being of our staff, we encourage you to take all of your holiday each year. Should you not be able to, up to 2 days can be carried over into the following calendar year.

We operate an open holiday booking process where each member of the team is responsible for booking their own holiday. Holiday requests must be discussed with affected team members and as a team we must be conscious to ensure the ongoing high standard of service that we deliver. Please discuss any holiday request of more than 10 consecutive days, occurring at the same time as team members or block booking days on consecutive weeks with a Company Director.

Holiday bookings will be recorded to ensure everyone takes their allocated amount each year.

If your employment with Double terminates, you will be entitled to payment in lieu of holiday which is untaken on the date that of termination of employment takes effect. If you have taken holiday in excess of your entitlement, pay that you have received for this time may be deducted from any pay due to you on the termination of your employment.

Holiday pay is calculated on the basis of the rate of pay recorded on your personnel records.

In addition to the standard Holiday entitlement, there are two other circumstances when holiday can be taken:

  • Annual Christmas Shutdown – we shut the office between Christmas and New Year each year to enable all Employees to spend time with their families. This is in addition to the standard holiday entitlement.

  • Birthday Day Off – In honour of our Birthdays, we encourage each Employee to take an extra day off to do something to celebrate. We ask that this is taken during your Birthday month at a time to suit you as it cannot be carried forward towards your standard entitlement.

For your holiday entitlement, please refer to your Contract of Employment.

Last updated